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Lifespan Opportunities in Washington and Hancock Counties

Heating System Repair and Replacement


The Central Heating Improvement Program (CHIP) is an emergency program for eligible home owners that repairs or replaces malfunctioning or condemned heating systems.

CHIP funds are only used to repair or replace dangerous, malfunctioning or non-working heating systems. Priority is given to households that have no heat. You must be HEAP eligible and own the home to be eligible. Repair or replacement costs are allowed for:

  • Heating system evaluations
  • Burner retrofit
  • Furnace cleanings (Clean, Tune, Evaluate) when funding is available
  • Furnace repairs, replacement and conversions
  • Chimney repair or replacements.

Limited CHIP benefits of up to $600 may be available for rental properties occupied by HEAP-eligible tenants.

For more information, please call us at (207) 664-2424 and select the "Housing" menu option or email housing@dcpcap.org.

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